What piece is your organization missing?

What’s missing when Boundaries are not clear?
- Ownership of roles and responsibilities
- Knowing what to say ‘yes’ and ‘no’ to
- Work-Life balance
- Respect
- Effectiveness

What’s missing when Communication is not clear?
- Flexibility, Adaptability, Accountability
- Manageable conflict resolution
- Knowing realistic expectations
- Constructive feedback
- Creative problem solving
- Empathy

What’s missing when Values & Purpose are not clear?
- Vision
- Sense of direction
- Team alignment
- Motivation
- Knowing what’s your (individual, team, and organization) WHY?
- Awakening of your dreams
- The best of you; your strengths

What’s missing when leadership is demotivating and stifling?
- Innovation/Productivity
- Risk Taking
- Collaborative Culture
- Ownership
- Growth Mindset
- Positive Role Models

What’s missing when Time is not managed well?
- Organization
- Focus
- Quality
- Prioritization
- Forward action
- Respect for calendars, self, and others
- Sense of control
- Aliveness

What’s missing when Relationship Dynamics become dysfunctional/toxic?
- Effective leadership
- Safety/trust
- Respect of power
- Broader scope of perspectives
- Cohesive teams
- Clarity of roles
- Collaboration
- Purposeful play
What piece is your organization missing?

What’s missing when Values & Purpose are not clear?
- Vision
- Sense of direction
- Team alignment
- Motivation
- Knowing what’s your (individual, team, and organization) WHY?
- Awakening of your dreams
- The best of you; your strengths

What’s missing when Time is not managed well?
- Organization
- Focus
- Quality
- Prioritization
- Forward action
- Respect for calendars, self, and others
- Sense of control
- Aliveness

What’s missing when Relationship Dynamics become dysfunctional/toxic?
- Effective leadership
- Safety/trust
- Respect of power
- Broader scope of perspectives
- Cohesive teams
- Clarity of roles
- Collaboration
- Purposeful play

What’s missing when leadership is demotivating and stifling?
- Innovation/Productivity
- Risk Taking
- Collaborative Culture
- Ownership
- Growth Mindset
- Positive Role Models

What’s missing when Communication is not clear?
- Flexibility, Adaptability, Accountability
- Manageable conflict resolution
- Knowing realistic expectations
- Constructive feedback
- Creative problem solving
- Empathy
- Resulting in false assumptions

What’s missing when Boundaries are not clear?
- Ownership of roles and responsibilities
- Knowing what to say ‘yes’ and ‘no’ to
- Work-Life balance
- Respect
- Effectiveness

Work with us
We offer all of our programs
both virtually and in-person.

ME to WE Coaching and Consulting workshops are guaranteed to be creative, interactive, thought provoking, and fun while maintaining a laser focus on delivering high impact results that meet our client’s specific objectives. We believe that great content combined with interactive and experiential learning ensures that new concepts and ideas really stick. When you work with ME to WE Coaching and Consulting you can be certain that you will be out of your chair and into the full learning experience! We take great pride in our ability to facilitate an open, positive, and supportive environment where participants feel they can jump in, learn and grow! Our work can be done virtually or in-person.
In addition to the workshops listed here, we thoroughly enjoy creating, designing, and delivering workshops based on special requests. If you are looking for something that is not listed, please let us know and we’ll do our best to assist you.
It Takes a Village
An Energetic, Purposeful, Intention Setting Workshop or Opening Event
The objective of this program is to increase awareness of the interconnectedness and collective power of one’s individual strengths in combination with the strengths of others. This is accomplished by having participants collaboratively explore their ideas, thoughts and boundaries through the creative process of building a symbolic centerpiece aligned with the main theme of the event.
Are You Ready to Soar?
Living YOUR Life to its Fullest Potential
If you feel you are not soaring, this session asks you “WHY NOT?” and requests that you refuse to settle for less. You will leave feeling productive and inspired to uncover your true purpose in life.
Life’s Too Short for Uncomfortable Underwear
Start your change today!
Why do so many of us go through each day with a bra that pinches or boxers that keep bunching up? Even if you are uncomfortable, we know making a change is hard. Are you really uncomfortable or are you comfortable in your discomfort? How many people do you know – maybe even yourself – who are stuck? Every day you wish things could be different, but you never really take action to make a change. Get excited about new underwear and a new you. Learning these seven steps will enable you to make successful, sustainable changes in your career, your relationships – your life!
Creativity Blockbuster
Brainstorming through Mind Mapping
A Mind Map is a highly effective way of getting information in and out of your brain – it is a creative and logical means of note-taking and note-making that literally “maps out” your ideas. A Mind Map converts a long list of monotonous information into a colorful, memorable, and highly organized diagram that works in line with your brain’s natural way of doing things. This is the perfect tool for the workplace to share ideas and build-up information for a particular subject.
What’s Being Said Without Words
Understanding and Using Non-Verbal Communication Effectively
Most people still believe that words are our primary source of communication. However, clinical studies done over the past 40 years have shown that up to 93% of our communication is accomplished on a nonverbal level. In this dynamic workshop, you will experience the power of pushing the mute button, to gain insight into what you haven’t been noticing, enabling you to understand communication in a whole new light, giving you a huge advantage in both business and personal interactions.
Putting YOU on Your TO DO List
Taking time out for yourself
This workshop is filled with inspiring ideas and engaging activities designed to reconnect you with your life passions. These are things you enjoy doing most, that perhaps you have forgotten or feel unable to make time for in your busy life. It will also provide you with tangible ways to create time and space to ensure YOU are taking care of yourself. When YOU are on your TO-DO list, you bring your best self to all aspects of your life.
From Hot Flash to Power Surge
Change your perspective; change your life
Many stay stuck in their lives because they can’t envision how things can be different. What if circumstances can’t change but you could change your point of view? Experience the transformation that happens when you change the lens from which you see.
Meet Your Magnificent Self
A Vision Board Workshop
Discover the possibilities for your exceptional life through this experiential workshop full of fun and exploration. Through the creation of a collage, group discussion, soul searching, honest listening to one’s inner self, and imaginative play, participants walk away with a visual tool to assist in reaching one’s dreams and goals.
The Superhero Within You
Confidence breeds confidence
We can be our harshest critics. People need a strong belief in themselves that allows them to persist in the face of fear. Quieting the negative voices from within frees you up to give your best presentations, public speaking, interviews and more. Join in the fun of this interactive workshop and see your confidence, and therefore, your success soar.
Turning Feedback Into Moving Forward
How many times have you been in a performance review that was constructive? We are all craving to know how we are doing. The challenge is knowing how to express the feedback in a way that is productive. This workshop focuses not only on the skill of giving and receiving feedback, but also on the skill of ‘feedforward.’ Participants in this workshop will walk away with a “focus on the promise of the future rather than dwelling on the mistakes of the past,” as said by Marshall Goldsmith.
Can You Hear Me Now?
Active listening skills
Listening skills are the building blocks for effective communication. The difference between hearing someone and listening to someone is enormous. Active listening has a way of making those you are communicating with feel valued and understood.
In this highly interactive workshop, participants can expect to not only learn the theory behind active listening, but also to engage in participatory exercises and activities to practice the learned skill of active listening.
Drop the Rock! What’s Weighing You Down?
What are your limiting beliefs about yourself? What if you could identify what holds you back and weighs you down? Join a fun, interactive workshop that will explore some of what is keeping you from achieving your dreams and how to start to move into action to live a fully exciting life.
Gratitude Attitude
Simply practicing gratitude on a daily basis reduces stress hormones by 23%! Developing daily habits of gratitude can open you up to receive more abundance and prosperity. A Gratitude Attitude can de-stress your life, improve your physical health, and increase your job satisfaction and productivity. This workshop will provide a pathway for those ready to reap the benefits and rewards that come with living in a state of Gratitude.
Is Your Plate Too Full? PAUSE – Slow Down to Speed Up In the Direction You Desire!
Managing your time
In our complex world today, there are so many moving pieces that are begging for our attention. Imagine if you could manage what your plate looks like instead of it staying so full and scattered that it overflows and overwhelms you. What a relief!
This workshop offers easy tools that can help you gain awareness, prioritize and set boundaries so that you can increase the quality of your day. Take charge of your time instead of time controlling YOU.
Planning for a GREAT Year Together
It is so important to take time to reflect and celebrate what’s been accomplished and to consider all that is possible. This workshop is designed to assist you with getting clear on what you want more of and how to plan for that. Gaining alignment will enable you to work together and support each other on those things that matter most to you, your team, and your organization.
Leadership: Three Part Series
Creating from Self
Discovering the Leader Within You
This series begins with exercises to uncover and explore personal values, and strengthen awareness of what makes you a leader. You will learn about different leadership styles. As a result, you will discover that you can be at choice with which style to use accordingly.
Working with Others
Leading through Connection with Others
The objective of this workshop is to help you understand how you relate to others and how others relate to you. You will become more adept at recognizing what assumptions you hold. How can working with others enable you to get unstuck? How can working with others enable you to feel empowered?
Lifelong Leadership
Integrating Skills
The third workshop deepens your understanding of Creating from Self and Working with Others. It is designed to help you integrate being a leader in all facets of life. You will gain awareness of the responsibilities of a leader’s actions. You will also more fully realize the positive impact you can have on the rest of the world.

Coaching is a true partnership between a coach and a client (individual, group or organization). It is designed to assist with discovering and achieving goals in all areas of the client’s life. Coaches help to provide clarity, inspiration, and accountability so clients can successfully accelerate achievement of their personal and professional goals.
Individual Coaching (Me)
- Uncover and embrace your values
- Gain awareness and learn to manage what is holding you back
- Highlight and lean into your strengths
- Manage your challenges and create unique solutions to face them
- Improve your communication with others
- Increase your efficiency and productivity
Team Coaching (We)
*Team coaching is defined as working with an existing team or a newly formed team to “maximize its performance and enjoyment in service of meaningful organizational goals.”
- Co-design the ‘rules of the game’ with the team
- Find alignment vs. agreement
- Work with conflict and effective communication
- Uncover and experience new perspectives
- Increase trust and respect in order to decrease stress and discomfort of the working environment
- Build your team through play and experiential learning
- Identify and educate with regard to team roles
- Engage in creative problem solving
Group Coaching (Me to We)
“Group Coaching is a facilitative process that leverages the resources and knowledge of a group of individuals working on a common theme but having different individual performance goals.”
- Enhance productivity and positivity through improved collaboration, communication, listening skills, and clarity about each other’s perspectives
- Maximize the results you desire by leveraging your time at a lower cost
- Become inspired as you see others realize their goals
- Form long term relationships to support your growth
- Create community with like-minded individuals

*An event is defined as “a thing that happens, especially one of importance.” We believe this is true! As you plan your upcoming event we can be your missing piece.
- Conference Events – Imagine starting off your event with an engaging session that sets the tone for your entire conference. We partner with you to understand the needs and the purpose of your summit. Then, we customize an opening event, a closing event or a break-out session that highlights your goals. For example, our signature program “It takes a Village.”
- Retreats – We create unique, creative offsite experiences for teams or groups. These can be half day, full day or multi-day events. For example, an immersive leadership retreat filled with purposeful play.
- Women’s Events – We highlight women’s natural tendency to gather, share and connect in our distinctive programs for women. For example, “Meaningful Conversations” – a women’s monthly discussion group geared for personal growth for professional development.
- Facilitation – We guide a group or team in purposeful discussion around a specific topic. For example, pre-work for a successful conference.
Work with us
We offer all of our programs
both virtually and in-person.

ME to WE Coaching and Consulting workshops are guaranteed to be creative, interactive, thought provoking, and fun while maintaining a laser focus on delivering high impact results that meet our client’s specific objectives. We believe that great content combined with interactive and experiential learning ensures that new concepts and ideas really stick. When you work with ME to WE Coaching and Consulting you can be certain that you will be out of your chair and into the full learning experience! We take great pride in our ability to facilitate an open, positive, and supportive environment where participants feel they can jump in, learn and grow! Our work can be done virtually or in-person.
In addition to the workshops listed here, we thoroughly enjoy creating, designing, and delivering workshops based on special requests. If you are looking for something that is not listed, please let us know and we’ll do our best to assist you.
It Takes a Village
An Energetic, Purposeful, Intention Setting Workshop or Opening Event
The objective of this program is to increase awareness of the interconnectedness and collective power of one’s individual strengths in combination with the strengths of others. This is accomplished by having participants collaboratively explore their ideas, thoughts and boundaries through the creative process of building a symbolic centerpiece aligned with the main theme of the event.
Are You Ready to Soar?
Living YOUR Life to its Fullest Potential
If you feel you are not soaring, this session asks you “WHY NOT?” and requests that you refuse to settle for less. You will leave feeling productive and inspired to uncover your true purpose in life.
Life’s Too Short for Uncomfortable Underwear
Start your change today!
Why do so many of us go through each day with a bra that pinches or boxers that keep bunching up? Even if you are uncomfortable, we know making a change is hard. Are you really uncomfortable or are you comfortable in your discomfort? How many people do you know – maybe even yourself – who are stuck? Every day you wish things could be different, but you never really take action to make a change. Get excited about new underwear and a new you. Learning these seven steps will enable you to make successful, sustainable changes in your career, your relationships – your life!
Creativity Blockbuster
Brainstorming through Mind Mapping
A Mind Map is a highly effective way of getting information in and out of your brain – it is a creative and logical means of note-taking and note-making that literally “maps out” your ideas. A Mind Map converts a long list of monotonous information into a colorful, memorable, and highly organized diagram that works in line with your brain’s natural way of doing things. This is the perfect tool for the workplace to share ideas and build-up information for a particular subject.
What’s Being Said Without Words
Understanding and Using Non-Verbal Communication Effectively
Most people still believe that words are our primary source of communication. However, clinical studies done over the past 40 years have shown that up to 93% of our communication is accomplished on a nonverbal level. In this dynamic workshop, you will experience the power of pushing the mute button, to gain insight into what you haven’t been noticing, enabling you to understand communication in a whole new light, giving you a huge advantage in both business and personal interactions.
Putting YOU on Your TO DO List
Taking time out for yourself
This workshop is filled with inspiring ideas and engaging activities designed to reconnect you with your life passions. These are things you enjoy doing most, that perhaps you have forgotten or feel unable to make time for in your busy life. It will also provide you with tangible ways to create time and space to ensure YOU are taking care of yourself. When YOU are on your TO-DO list, you bring your best self to all aspects of your life.
From Hot Flash to Power Surge
Change your perspective; change your life
Many stay stuck in their lives because they can’t envision how things can be different. What if circumstances can’t change but you could change your point of view? Experience the transformation that happens when you change the lens from which you see.
Meet Your Magnificent Self
A Vision Board Workshop
Discover the possibilities for your exceptional life through this experiential workshop full of fun and exploration. Through the creation of a collage, group discussion, soul searching, honest listening to one’s inner self, and imaginative play, participants walk away with a visual tool to assist in reaching one’s dreams and goals.
The Superhero Within You
Confidence breeds confidence
We can be our harshest critics. People need a strong belief in themselves that allows them to persist in the face of fear. Quieting the negative voices from within frees you up to give your best presentations, public speaking, interviews and more. Join in the fun of this interactive workshop and see your confidence, and therefore, your success soar.
Turning Feedback Into Moving Forward
How many times have you been in a performance review that was constructive? We are all craving to know how we are doing. The challenge is knowing how to express the feedback in a way that is productive. This workshop focuses not only on the skill of giving and receiving feedback, but also on the skill of ‘feedforward.’ Participants in this workshop will walk away with a “focus on the promise of the future rather than dwelling on the mistakes of the past,” as said by Marshall Goldsmith.
Can You Hear Me Now?
Active listening skills
Listening skills are the building blocks for effective communication. The difference between hearing someone and listening to someone is enormous. Active listening has a way of making those you are communicating with feel valued and understood.
In this highly interactive workshop, participants can expect to not only learn the theory behind active listening, but also to engage in participatory exercises and activities to practice the learned skill of active listening.
Drop the Rock! What’s Weighing You Down?
What are your limiting beliefs about yourself? What if you could identify what holds you back and weighs you down? Join a fun, interactive workshop that will explore some of what is keeping you from achieving your dreams and how to start to move into action to live a fully exciting life.
Gratitude Attitude
Simply practicing gratitude on a daily basis reduces stress hormones by 23%! Developing daily habits of gratitude can open you up to receive more abundance and prosperity. A Gratitude Attitude can de-stress your life, improve your physical health, and increase your job satisfaction and productivity. This workshop will provide a pathway for those ready to reap the benefits and rewards that come with living in a state of Gratitude.
Is Your Plate Too Full? PAUSE – Slow Down to Speed Up In the Direction You Desire!
Managing your time
In our complex world today, there are so many moving pieces that are begging for our attention. Imagine if you could manage what your plate looks like instead of it staying so full and scattered that it overflows and overwhelms you. What a relief!
This workshop offers easy tools that can help you gain awareness, prioritize and set boundaries so that you can increase the quality of your day. Take charge of your time instead of time controlling YOU.
Planning for a GREAT Year Together
It is so important to take time to reflect and celebrate what’s been accomplished and to consider all that is possible. This workshop is designed to assist you with getting clear on what you want more of and how to plan for that. Gaining alignment will enable you to work together and support each other on those things that matter most to you, your team, and your organization.
Leadership: Three Part Series
Creating from Self
Discovering the Leader Within You
This series begins with exercises to uncover and explore personal values, and strengthen awareness of what makes you a leader. You will learn about different leadership styles. As a result, you will discover that you can be at choice with which style to use accordingly.
Working with Others
Leading through Connection with Others
The objective of this workshop is to help you understand how you relate to others and how others relate to you. You will become more adept at recognizing what assumptions you hold. How can working with others enable you to get unstuck? How can working with others enable you to feel empowered?
Lifelong Leadership
Integrating Skills
The third workshop deepens your understanding of Creating from Self and Working with Others. It is designed to help you integrate being a leader in all facets of life. You will gain awareness of the responsibilities of a leader’s actions. You will also more fully realize the positive impact you can have on the rest of the world.

Coaching is a true partnership between a coach and a client (individual, group or organization). It is designed to assist with discovering and achieving goals in all areas of the client’s life. Coaches help to provide clarity, inspiration, and accountability so clients can successfully accelerate achievement of their personal and professional goals.
Individual Coaching (Me)
- Uncover and embrace your values
- Gain awareness and learn to manage what is holding you back
- Highlight and lean into your strengths
- Manage your challenges and create unique solutions to face them
- Improve your communication with others
- Increase your efficiency and productivity
Team Coaching (We)
*Team coaching is defined as working with an existing team or a newly formed team to “maximize its performance and enjoyment in service of meaningful organizational goals.”
- Co-design the ‘rules of the game’ with the team
- Find alignment vs. agreement
- Work with conflict and effective communication
- Uncover and experience new perspectives
- Increase trust and respect in order to decrease stress and discomfort of the working environment
- Build your team through play and experiential learning
- Identify and educate with regard to team roles
- Engage in creative problem solving
Group Coaching (Me to We)
“Group Coaching is a facilitative process that leverages the resources and knowledge of a group of individuals working on a common theme but having different individual performance goals.”
- Enhance productivity and positivity through improved collaboration, communication, listening skills, and clarity about each other’s perspectives
- Maximize the results you desire by leveraging your time at a lower cost
- Become inspired as you see others realize their goals
- Form long term relationships to support your growth
- Create community with like-minded individuals

*An event is defined as “a thing that happens, especially one of importance.” We believe this is true! As you plan your upcoming event we can be your missing piece.
- Conference Events – Imagine starting off your event with an engaging session that sets the tone for your entire conference. We partner with you to understand the needs and the purpose of your summit. Then, we customize an opening event, a closing event or a break-out session that highlights your goals. For example, our signature program “It takes a Village.”
- Retreats – We create unique, creative offsite experiences for teams or groups. These can be half day, full day or multi-day events. For example, an immersive leadership retreat filled with purposeful play.
- Women’s Events – We highlight women’s natural tendency to gather, share and connect in our distinctive programs for women. For example, “Meaningful Conversations” – a women’s monthly discussion group geared for personal growth for professional development.
- Facilitation – We guide a group or team in purposeful discussion around a specific topic. For example, pre-work for a successful conference.
Meet Me to We

Me to We Coaching and Consulting was founded by a duo of passionate, playful, and successful certified professional coaches. We believe that once you connect to your strengths, your confidence grows enabling you to unleash the leader within you. We coach individuals and teams, and create interactive workshops, retreats and conference events that get you into meaningful action to achieve your goals.
Our stake for growing leaders and teams is to increase their Triple Bottom Line (TBL):
- Purpose
- People
- Profit
When these are clear and working in concert, organizations thrive.
Our Chief Play Officers (CPOs)

- Bachelors in Individual and Family Studies
- Masters in Training and Development with an emphasis in Group Process
- Certified Co-Active Coach from Coaches Training Institute (CTI)
- Executive Director of two different non-profit organizations
- Active member of the International Coaches Federation (ICF) and served on executive board of local ICF chapter
- Completed ORSC (Organizational Relationship Systems Coaching) from CRR Global
- Assessment tools: DISC®, trained in PQ, trained in The Bigger Game
Helping others experience the best life is also seen in Jill’s work as an Officiant of life cycle events. With extensive training in ritual and ceremony, and as an ordained non-denominational minister, Jill specializes in creating customized weddings that reflect the true personality of the couple.
Please visit her other website, Meaningful-Milestones.com to learn more.
Email: Jill@MetoWeCoachingandConsulting.com
Phone: 215-808-4996

Sandra is an insightful listener with creative outside the box thinking. When working with leaders and teams, she quickly establishes connections and genuine working relationships.
Sandra was born and raised in Mexico City. Her global understanding of cross-cultural issues is a strength. Being bi-lingual and bi-cultural results in her having an excellent understanding and empathy towards others.
- B.A. in Psychology from Brandeis University
- Specialized in Clinical Psychology from UNAM (National University from Mexico) and also earned a degree in Gestalt Therapy
- Certified Co-Active Coach from Coaches Training Institute) (CTI)
- Graduate of CTI’s Global Leadership Program
- Completed ORSC training from CRR Global (Organizational Relationship Systems Coaching)
- Member of International Coaches Federation (ICF)
- Assessment tools: DiSC®, The Leadership Circle™, trained in PQ, trained in The Bigger Game
Sandra maintains an active coaching practice under Life Ladders LLC.
Email : Sandra@MetoWeCoachingandConsulting.com
Phone: 973-580-4428
What people are saying
Your excellent organizational and verbal skills made the program a huge success
“Your facilitation skills kept the energy in the room for over 50 participants during the two hour program. The workshop survey results were very positive and looking forward to having you facilitate another workshop next year.”
Helaine Dubner Zlotnick
Aviva Rabin Hadassah Co-President
Created a feeling of camaraderie and cohesiveness
“Me to We Coaching and Consulting was one of the vendors at an international conference which I planned and coordinated. They had the daunting task of opening the summit the night before the event. What a wonderful job they did, as they truly set the tone for the guests and created a feeling of camaraderie and cohesiveness amongst the attendees. Their professionalism, positive attitude, enthusiasm, and spirit helped drive the success of their unique workshop. Everyone marveled at what a great job Me to We did.”
Robert Hunter
Hunter Events, San Francisco
Opened us up to new ways of thinking
“My department hired Me to We Coaching and Consulting to help us grow as a team. They opened us up to new ways of thinking, getting us away from the habits and dynamics that we’d gotten into that were preventing us from being our best. Me to We started the day by making everyone feel comfortable and making sure we were ok with what they had planned, then led us through a variety of fun and interesting exercises. By the end of the day, we all felt very grateful that we took the time to do this.”
Diane S.
WEMBA – Wharton Executive Master’s of Business Administration
Unforgettable experience!
“‘At the Hearth of Your Being’ retreat is an opportunity to explore within ourselves the little things that we carry through life that bother us and because we do not have time to reflect on them, we tend to make them bigger. The coaches are supportive, warm, loving and non-judgmental. Amazing opportunity to engage and relate with friendly women. Unforgettable experience that heightens your awareness of how to deal better with daily stresses and appreciate daily joys.”
These women rock!
“I attended their session ‘It Takes a Village’ at CTI’s Coactive Summit and was blown away by their energy, fun, and attention to what matters. Their session was an experience in creativity and collaboration. It was a great way to kick off the Summit.”
Karen Lam
Compass International
Mix of fun and engaging lessons set the pace for great day
“We loved working with Jill & Sandra from Me to We Coaching and Consulting. They consulted with our management team to create an interactive session for our employees during our annual company meeting. Their mix of fun and engaging lessons set the pace for a great day. They had everyone up out of their seats and taking part. I’d love to have a chance to work with them again.”
Jackie Koehler
CEO | Respage
Charged my sanity batteries and filled me with peace
“For the past two years I have attended the ‘At the Hearth of Your Being’ retreat. Everyday these great life coaches in charge of the retreat invite us to participate in very creative activities from which I, personally, have learned to know myself better, to listen attentively to others and to relax and have fun. I am looking forward to going this April, for living in a very hectic city (Mexico City), I find that these three days charge my sanity batteries and fill me with peace.”
The results were phenomenal!
“I was searching for someone to conduct a leadership development workshop for our annual conference. As soon as I had a conversation with Jill Magerman, I knew we had met the perfect match. Jill and Sandra Olper, her business partner, drilled down to gather as much information about the background and current state of our organization in order to create a workshop tailor-made for us. I wanted to introduce the Me to We model of inclusiveness and recognition of our unique leadership styles to IFDA.
The results were phenomenal!!! At Jill and Sandra’s suggestion, we kicked-off the conference with a very dynamic workshop which set the positive participatory tone for the rest of the weekend. We received nothing but positive feedback, with many attendees agreeing that this was the best workshop and conference we’ve had in years.”
Diane Nicolson, FIFDA
IFDA President, 2015 – 2016
Contact us
Want to get in touch about our workshops or coaching?
Send us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.